Bend Goods

Round Throw Pillow


Why We Love It

Nothing like a good accessory. That's why this vibrant, flexible, durable, and all around Round Throw Pillow is billed as the perfect pop of color. Filled with down and available in a multitude of durable Sunbrella fabric options, this piece of comfort takes your seating game to the next level.

  • Handmade and designed in Los Angeles, CA.
  • Down filling.
  • Upholstered with weatherproof Sunbrella fabric.
  • Perfect for adding a pop of color to round out your look.
  • Made to order. Allow 6 weeks for shipping.
  • If out of stock, item typically ships in 8-12 weeks – contact us for availability.


Created By

Bend Goods

Just as lines are written to create a story, Bend Goods' striking chairs, stools, and tables utilize lines to create structures that are inspired and versatile - spicing up indoor and outdoor spaces alike. Gaurav Nanda, founder of Bend Goods, has been designing, building and bending since he was a young man, growing up in Detroit.