
Carbon Framed Print


Why We Love It

An exclusive collection of cutting-edge works by independent artists, each specially framed to bring new dimension to the wall. Varied mediums including vivid watercolors, abstract oil paintings and modern photography create dynamic displays designed to elevate the experience of a room. Unique presentation materials bring a thoughtfully selected, museum-quality look to any wall and any style.

  • Bold, gestural brushstrokes and celebration of negative space define artist Beth Winterburn's impactful collection of work, as pieces have the ability to mix and match with ease.
  • Printed on gold paper and framed within white American maple for a museum-quality look.
  • Handmade in Austin, Texas.
  • If out of stock, item typically ships in 4-8 weeks.


Created By


Trove is a collection of art and decorative objects designed to elevate the experience of a room.